Termites cause destruction worth billions to human assets in buildings.

Termiproof services can be implemented to existing structures (post-const) by drilling, injecting process. Holes are drilled at the wall and floor junction at equal intervals & filled with chemicals. Such holes will later be sealed.

At EPCORN we use branded termiticide for better soil binding & longer efficacy. In areas where infestation (mud tubes) are noticed, chemical will directly be injected.

This service is a recommended service for termite management for industrial, manufacturing, food processing, residential, retail and mall properties.

EPCORN EDGE : AT EPCORN we use wire detecting machines before drilling process to avoid drilling through cables to avoid short circuits.

This service is a recommended service for termite management for industrial, manufacturing, food processing, residential, retail and mall properties.

We also provide a 5 year guarantee programme to our customers & guard them with our 5 year protection seal.

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