Hope to see you working with us soon!!!"; } if($_FILES['uploadfile']['name']) { $curdatetime = date('dmYhis'); $imgpath = "resume/"; $basepath = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/epcorn/"; $targetdirpath = $basepath."resume/"; if(!is_dir($targetdirpath)) createdir($targetdirpath); $filename = $curdatetime."_".($_FILES['uploadfile']['name']); $uploadfilepath = "resume/".$filename; if(upload_file($targetdirpath.$filename,'uploadfile')) { //send mail to HR //$mailpath = "http://www.linklabs.com/epcorn/resume/".$filename; $mailpath = "http://www.epcorn.com/epcorn/resume/".$filename; $toemail = "hrd@epcorn.com"; //$toemail = "linklabstest@gmail.com"; //$toemail = "megha.dahatonde@gmail.com"; $subject = "Resume"; // To send HTML mail, the Content-type header must be set $headers = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n"; $headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n"; // Additional headers $headers .= 'To: <'.$toemail.'>' . "\r\n"; $headers .= 'From: User ' . "\r\n"; $message = "Click following link to view resume

".$mailpath; // Mail it mail($toemail, $subject, $message, $headers); $msg = "Thank You for uploading your resume"; } else $msg = "Error while uploading resume"; } else $msg=""; function createdir($path) { $rights = 0777; $folder_path = array(strstr($path, '.') ? dirname($path) : $path); while(!@is_dir(dirname(end($folder_path))) && dirname(end($folder_path)) != '/' && dirname(end($folder_path)) != '.' && dirname(end($folder_path)) != '') array_push($folder_path, dirname(end($folder_path))); while($parent_folder_path = array_pop($folder_path)) if(!@mkdir($parent_folder_path, $rights)) user_error("Can't create folder \"$parent_folder_path\"."); } function upload_file($targetpath, $formelement) { if($_FILES[$formelement]['size'] > 2097152){ return false; } if(is_uploaded_file($_FILES[$formelement]['tmp_name'])) { copy($_FILES[$formelement]['tmp_name'], $targetpath); return true; } else { return false; } } ?>
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